(202) 830-3508     DONATE     GET HELP

Residential Care

Holly House

Holly House, located in the Shepherd Park neighborhood, is home to up to 8 individuals who have mental health disorders. It provides the stability of a real home to those who have experienced life at its most precarious.

Referrals are accepted from the Department of Behavioral Health, Core Service Agencies, private providers, hospitals, and families.

Residents must be enrolled with the DC Department of Behavioral Health and have a recommendation from their Core Service Agency to apply to Holly House. The Core Service Agency will inform them of any required documentation.

Becoming a resident includes receiving meals, 24-hour residential staff supervision and support services to enable clients to achieve greater independence.

Please contact LaShawn Johnson, Holly House Supervisor, for information.
Direct: 202-830-3512
Main Office: 202-830-3508

most Holly House residents are senior citizens

years, the average length of stay